In 1832, against the backdrop of Walnut Township, a community emerged, pulsating with energy and promise. Named after the abundance of walnut trees gracing its surroundings, Walnut Township became the nurturing ground for New Salem. It’s believed that this vibrant town derived its name from the enchanting New Salem, Massachusetts, adding an air of mystique to its identity.
In 1902, the congregation of the New Salem United Methodist Church, overflowing with devout worshippers, recognized the need for a new sanctuary. The existing structure no longer met their growing needs, igniting a collective determination to create a sacred space befitting their unwavering faith and commitment.
In 2023, The New Salem United Methodist Church became The Heartland Chapel, having undergone a magnificent transformation, unveiling itself as a premier destination for weddings and other special gatherings. Embracing its new role as a cherished meeting place, this historic gem stands ready to host the most extraordinary celebrations, leaving a lasting impression on all who enter its hallowed halls.
Available Year Round
We are located at 5837 Canal Rd NE, (New Salem) Pleasantville, OH 43148